Through the monsoon(DURCH den MONSUN)
The window doesn't open anymore
It's full of you in here, and empty
And the last candle goes out before me
I've been waiting for an eternity, finally it's time
Outside there are black clouds gathering
I must go through the monsoon
Behind the world, to the end of time
Until there's no more rain falling down
Against the storm, along the abyss
And when I can't go on anymore, I'll be thinking
We run together some time
Through the monsoon
Then everything will be alright
Half moon sinks before me.
Was it just with you?
Does it really keep its promises to me?
I know that I can find you
Hear your name in the hurricane
I think I can’t believe in it more.
I must go through the monsoon
Behind the world, to the end of time
Until there's no more rain falling down
Against the storm, along the abyss
And when I can't go on anymore, I'll be thinking
We run together some time
Through the monsoon
Then everything will be alright
I'm fighting myself
Through the struggle of powers behind this door
Will defeat them
And then they'll guide me to you
Then everything will be alright
Then everything will be alright
Will be alright
I must go through the monsoon
Behind the world, to the end of time
Until there's no more rain falling down
Against the storm, along the abyss
And when I can't go on anymore, I'll be thinking
We run together some time
Through the monsoon
Then everything will be alright
Everything will be alright
Through the Monsoon
Everything will be alright
Ab heute sind die Tage nur noch halbso lang Zum Lachen gibt es gar nichts mehr Gestern war vor 100.000 Jahren Morgen weiss es keiner mehr Ab heute die Uhr durch 'nen Countdown ersetzt, die Sonne scheint auch in der Nacht 'Schuldigung Ich hab mal eben nachgedacht Doch dafür ist jetzt wirklich keine Zeit... Keine Zeit Keine Zeit Keine Zeit Keine Zeit!
Leb die Sekunde Hier und jetzt Halt sie Fest Leb die Sekunde Hier und jetzt Halt sie fest Sonst ist sie weg! Sonst ist sie weg!
Ab heute gibt es jeden Tag ein' neue Welt Planeten sind im Ausverkauf Die ganze Galaxie wird ruhig gestellt Und Zeitraffer im Schnelldurchlauf Scheiss auf gestern und erinner dich an jetzt Bevor du es vergessen hast 'Schuldigung ich hab mal drüber nachgedacht Doch dafür ist jetzt wirklich keine Zeit... Keine Zeit!
Leb die Sekunde Hier und jetzt Halt sie Fest Leb die Sekunde Hier und jetzt halt Halt sie fest Sonst ist sie weg!
Zeit läuft Die Zeit läuft Die Zeit läuft Halt sie auf! Zeit läuft Zeit läuft Zeit läuft Zeit läuft Zeit läuft Die Zeit läuft!
Leb die Sekunde Hier und jetzt Halt sie Fest Leb die Sekunde Hier und jetzt halt Halt sie fest Sonst ist sie weg! Sonst ist sie weg!
Zeit läuft! Halt sie fest!
Mától a napok csak fele olyan hosszúak, és nincs min nevetni már. A tegnap százezer éve volt, a holnapot még senki nem ismeri. Mától visszaszámol az óra, a nap éjszaka is ragyog. Bocsánat, csak egy kicsit elgondolkodtam, pedig erre most tényleg nincs idõ. Nincs idõ! Nincs idõ! Nincs idõ! Nincs idõ!
Élj a pillanatnak, itt és most ragadd meg jól! Élj a pillanatnak, itt és most ragadd meg jól! Különben elillan. Különben elillan.
Mától minden nap egy új világ, és minden bolygó eladó. Az egész galaxis némán hallgat, miközben az idõ szédületesen rohan. Szard le a tegnapot, és a mára figyelj, mielõtt mindent elfelejtenél. Bocsánat, csak egy kicsit elgondolkodtam, pedig erre most tényleg nincs idõ. Nincs idõ!
Élj a pillanatnak, itt és most ragadd meg jól! Élj a pillanatnak, itt és most ragadd meg jól! Különben elillan.
Rohan az idõ Rohan az idõ Rohan az idõ Állítsd meg! Rohan az idõ Rohan az idõ Rohan az idõ Rohan az idõ Rohan az idõ Borzasztóan rohan az idõ!
Élj a pillanatnak, itt és most ragadd meg jól! Élj a pillanatnak, itt és most ragadd meg jól! Különben elillan. Különben elillan.
Rohan az idõ! Állítsd meg! |
Live the second(LEB die SEKUNDE)
Starting today the days are just half as long
There is nothing left to laugh about
Yesterday was 100,000 years ago
Tomorrow nobody will know
From today the clock will be replaced by a countdown
The sun is shining at night as well
Sorry I was just contemplating
But now there is really no time for it
No time
No time
No time!
Live the second
Here and now
Hold on to it (tight)
Live the second
Here and now
Hold on to it (tight)
Otherwise it is gone
Otherwise it is gone
From today there is a new world everyday
Planets are for sale
The whole galaxy will be calmed down
And time-lapse in an overdrive
Shit on (fuck) yesterday and remember now
Before you have forgotten it
Sorry I was just contemplating
But now there is really no time for it
No time
No time
No time
Live the second
Here and now
Hold on to it (tight)
Live the second
Here and now
Hold on to it (tight)
Time is running
Time is running
Time is running
Stop it!
Time is running
Time is running
Time is running
Time is running
Time is running
Time is running
Live the second
Here and now
Hold on to it (tight)
Live the second
Here and now
Hold on to it (tight)
Otherwise it is gone
Otherwise it is gone
Time is running!
Hold on to it!
Rescue me(RETTE MICH)
For the first time alone in our hiding-place
I still see our names on the wall
And wipe them off again
I wanted to trust you with everything
Why did you run away?
Come back… take me along
Come and rescue me!
I'm burning up inside
Come and rescue me!
I can't make it without you
Come and rescue me! Rescue me… rescue me...
Our dreams were lies and no tear was real
Tell me it is not true, tell me now
Maybe you hear somewhere my SOS in the radio
Do you hear me? Don't you hear me?
Come and rescue me!
I'm burning up inside
Come and rescue me!
I can't make it without you
Come and rescue me…
me and you… me and you… me and you
I still see our names on the wall and wipe them off again
Our dreams were lies and no tear was real
Do you hear me? Don't you hear me?
Come and rescue me! Rescue me…
Come and rescue me!
I'm burning up inside
Come and rescue me!
I can't make it without you
Come and rescue me… rescue me… rescue me…
Rescue me… rescue me… rescue me…
You are what I don't wanna be
You would rather be dead than be Bill
Lick me (fuck off)! Thanks no need for that…
No clue what it is that pisses me off when you are there
Assface (butthead), don't take that personally
I don't talk to such a shit like you
I'm not into the same bands like you
Thats ok with me but just do me this one favour:
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Please don't let us stay friends
That's ok with you... isn't it?
Without guys like you and me it would be boring
Every day I have to see you
And the others who understand you
You are the coolest among idiots
Rivetchains and tattoo
Mummy endorsed all of that
In return you wear daddy's long underpants
I don't wear such a shit like you
Don't like the same women like you
That's ok with me but please do me just this one favour:
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Please don't let us stay friends
That's ok with you.. isn't it?
Without guys like you and me it would be boring
Come on, don't let us stay friends... stay no friends
Don't act so nice otherwise you will get…
I still have a well-ment advice for you..
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Better don't let us stay friends
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Please don't let us stay friends
Thats ok for you... isn't it?
Without guys like you and me it would be boring
Come on, don't let us stay friends...
I prefer we dislike each other… stay no friends
Zum ersten mal alleine in unserem Versteck Ich seh noch unsere Namen an der Wand Und wisch' sie wieder weg Ich wollt' dir alles anvertrauen Warum bist du abgehauen Komm zurück - nimm mich mit
Komm und rette mich - ich verbrenne innerlich Komm und rette mich - ich schaffs's nicht ohne dich Komm und rette mich - rette mich - rette mich...
Unsere Träume waren gelogen und keine Träne echt Sag dass das nicht wahr ist - sag es mir jetzt Vielleicht hörst du irgendwo mein S.O.S im Radio hörst du mich - hörst du mich nich'
Komm und rette mich - ich verbrenne innerlich Komm und rette mich - ich schaffs's nicht ohne dich Komm und rette mich - rette mich
Dich und mich - dich und mich - dich und mich Ich seh' noch unsere Namen und wisch' sie wieder weg Unsere Träume war'n gelogen und keine Träne echt Hörst du mich - hörst du mich nich'...
Komm und rette mich - rette mich. Komm und rette mich - ich verbrenne innerlich Komm und rette mich - ich schaffs's nicht ohne dich Komm und rette mich - rette mich - rette mich - rette mich...
Elõször vagyok egyedül a régi búvóhelyen. Még látom a falon a nevünket, de inkább letörlöm õket. Mindent meg akartam osztani veled. Miért tûntél el? Gyere vissza, és vigyél magaddal.
Gyere, és ments meg - mert elégek belülrõl. Gyere, és ments meg - nem bírom tovább nélküled. Gyere, és ments meg - ments meg - ments meg...
Az álmaink hazudtak, és egy könnycsepp sem volt igaz. Mondd nekem kérlek, hogy ez nem lehet. Talán hallod valahol a segélykérésemet a rádióban. Hallasz? - Hallasz engem?
Gyere, és ments meg - mert elégek belülrõl. Gyere, és ments meg - nem bírom tovább nélküled. Gyere, és ments meg - ments meg...
Téged és engem - téged és engem - téged és engem. Még látom a falon a nevünket, és inkább letörlöm õket. Az álmaink hazudtak, egy könnycsepp sem volt igaz. Hallasz? - Hallasz engem?...
Gyere, és ments meg - ments meg. Gyere, és ments meg - mert elégek belülrõl. Gyere, és ments meg - nem bírom tovább nélküled. Gyere, és ments meg - ments meg ments meg... |
Rescue me(RETTE MICH)
For the first time alone in our hiding-place
I still see our names on the wall
And wipe them off again
I wanted to trust you with everything
Why did you run away?
Come back… take me along
Come and rescue me!
I'm burning up inside
Come and rescue me!
I can't make it without you
Come and rescue me! Rescue me… rescue me...
Our dreams were lies and no tear was real
Tell me it is not true, tell me now
Maybe you hear somewhere my SOS in the radio
Do you hear me? Don't you hear me?
Come and rescue me!
I'm burning up inside
Come and rescue me!
I can't make it without you
Come and rescue me…
me and you… me and you… me and you
I still see our names on the wall and wipe them off again
Our dreams were lies and no tear was real
Do you hear me? Don't you hear me?
Come and rescue me! Rescue me…
Come and rescue me!
I'm burning up inside
Come and rescue me!
I can't make it without you
Come and rescue me… rescue me… rescue me…
Rescue me… rescue me… rescue me…
You are what I don't wanna be
You would rather be dead than be Bill
Lick me (fuck off)! Thanks no need for that…
No clue what it is that pisses me off when you are there
Assface (butthead), don't take that personally
I don't talk to such a shit like you
I'm not into the same bands like you
Thats ok with me but just do me this one favour:
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Please don't let us stay friends
That's ok with you... isn't it?
Without guys like you and me it would be boring
Every day I have to see you
And the others who understand you
You are the coolest among idiots
Rivetchains and tattoo
Mummy endorsed all of that
In return you wear daddy's long underpants
I don't wear such a shit like you
Don't like the same women like you
That's ok with me but please do me just this one favour:
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Please don't let us stay friends
That's ok with you.. isn't it?
Without guys like you and me it would be boring
Come on, don't let us stay friends... stay no friends
Don't act so nice otherwise you will get…
I still have a well-ment advice for you..
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Better don't let us stay friends
Please don't let us stay friends
I prefer we dislike each other
Never being of one mind
Is better than to brown-nose each other
Please don't let us stay friends
Thats ok for you... isn't it?
Without guys like you and me it would be boring
Come on, don't let us stay friends...
I prefer we dislike each other… stay no friends